Pets & Timber Floor Care

Australians love engineered timber flooring, but we’re also a nation of pet lovers, with 50% of households having a pet in 2022. While timber flooring is a beautiful addition to any home, it can be challenging to keep it looking its best when you have pets. Pets can scratch, stain and even damage your floorboards, but with a little care and attention, you can keep your timber flooring looking great despite the presence of furry friends. Below we’ll run through some quick tips to help keep your floors looking their best:

Nail Trimming 

Firstly, it's important to keep your pets' nails trimmed. Long nails can cause scratches and damage to the timber surface. If you're not comfortable trimming your pet's nails yourself, consider taking them to a professional groomer. Keeping your pets nails properly trimmed will help to keep surface scrapes at bay.


It's also important to keep your pets clean and well-groomed. Regular grooming sessions can help to remove dirt, debris, and oils that can leave your floors dirty or marked. In addition, you can use a pet-specific shampoo that is gentle on the skin and coat, but effective in removing dirt and grime. Regularly brushing pets that shed is also a great idea to keep pet hair and dander at a minimum.

Using Rugs & Mats 

Another way to protect your timber floors is by using rugs or mats in areas where your pets spend the most time or enter and exit the home. Not only do these add a decorative touch to your interior, but they also provide a barrier between your pet's paws and the timber surface, preventing scratches and stains. 

General Cleaning 

It's also important to clean up any spills or accidents as soon as they happen. Pets are prone to accidents, and even the most well-trained pet can have an accident from time to time. When this happens, it's essential to clean up the spill or accident as soon as possible to prevent staining or discoloration of the timber surface. Cleaning up liquids as soon as possible will prevent it from seeping into the timber and damaging the board.

In addition to these preventative measures, it's also important to perform regular cleaning of your timber floors. This includes sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping the floors regularly. This will help to remove dirt and debris that can cause scratches and stains. 

You can also use a high-quality timber floor cleaner and spray mop to help keep your floors looking their best. These cleaners are specially formulated to clean and protect the surface of the timber, and they can be used to remove dirt, grime, and even stains. See here for our guide on how to clean your engineered timber floorboards. 

Having pets doesn't mean you can't have beautiful engineered timber flooring in your home. With a little care and attention, you can keep your timber floors looking great despite the presence of furry friends. Regular maintenance, preventative measures, and proper cleaning techniques can help to keep your floors in top condition. Additionally, regular grooming, trimming nails, and using rugs or mats can help to keep the floors looking their best for years to come!


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